Mommy in the house!


A Beautiful Journey!

Parenting is a very broad aspect of life. It has different, yet beautiful cluster of phases. From conception to birth, and then raising them up into a toddler, to adolescence, all the way to them being married.

You can never pull yourself back from your children. You have to be there with them in every part of their life to guide them, help them, appreciate them and most importantly, console them. No matter what their age is, they always fear taking their first steps in everything like they did when they were toddlers.

Learn by doing

So, I’ll be writing a series of blogs over parenting, pregnancy, teen issues, struggles of a young marriage, travelling to a new country while pregnant, culture shock and how that affects your parenting techniques between Pakistan and Australia, in short covering all the aspects of a parental life that will include my personal experiences, from conception till date.

Hope this journey of writing provide my readers some fun and some tips n tricks, specially to the new mommies and daddies to be, which is my actual goal so that they may not have to pass through all the issues from which I had to as I was a PRIMIP

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See you soon! 😉

Author Details
Housewife, mother, emerging blogger who knows everything and is always right (only in front of my husband though)!