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What to expect when you’re expecting – The Graduation – Types of Deliveries


The Graduation

My previous blog covered the third trimester in general and what preparations should be made prior to the delivery. So, now moving forward, today I’m going to discuss the most awaited and important part; which is the DELIVERYYYYY!!!

Now this part may seem to be scary for some and some may handle it easily. But it won’t be wrong to say that yes, some parts of it may seem to be scary for the first timers, or it’s better to say that it’s sort of complicated. To handle all this you will be needing a lot of help and support as it is one’s very crucial time. Afterall you’re bringing a life into this world and it’s not an easy job!

Now by saying all this, I’m not portraying delivery as something HORRIFIC… but what I’m trying to say is that you should be prepared for the reality and you must know what’s going to happen beforehand. Knowing how to keep your composure, how to make decisions on the spot and most importantly, trusting yourself and your gut, and leaving the rest to God and hoping for the best is key. Otherwise, it’s going to become very difficult very fast.

Choosing between an OB/GYN or midwife:

Now, in most developed countries women have the facility to avail either an OB/GYN or a midwife, while in some countries midwifery is still high in demand because of their old yet beneficial methods. Midwives may be old-school but their experience and ways are strongly admired by many countries and communities. However, given the circumstances of rising complexities during pregnancies and deliveries it is better to consult a gynaecologist.

Now I’m not saying that one should entirely not consult midwives or that they are any less qualified for deliveries, what I’m saying is that it’s better to opt a doctor in the first place rather than consulting after a complexity arrives.

Yes.. of course mishaps do happen by the hands of doctors as well, and successful deliveries have been carried out by midwives as well. But if we put both of them to a comparison, doctors have the expertise to handle a critical case instead of midwives. But it’s solely one’s choice who to opt and who to drop.

Full Disclosure:

It is always best to put forward your opinions or any sort of fears you have in front of your medical professional as it helps them tackle you accordingly. You must tell them there and then about whatever you feel or whatever you’re scared of or allergic to, as hiding them can be dangerous for both you and your baby. Apart from that, you must listen to your doctor or midwife and follow their instructions. They are there to help you and to guide you the best they can.

The support system

Throughout your pregnancy you always have someone with you at home or work, helping you out, carrying heavy stuff for you, giving you time to relax etc etc. What about the delivery time? Have you ever thought of having someone who is close to you, standing beside you while you’re having your baby?

If not, then you must think about it because it’s very important to have your support system. It can be anyone; say your husband/partner, your mother, sister or maybe a close friend on whom you can rely with your fears, and know that they’ll handle you while respecting your privacy and can provide you with the comfort you need at that time.

Delivery is a process of overwhelming emotions, where mothers welcome their newborns with smiles and tears of happiness and joy, there (God forbid) some unfortunate cases also take place. So, yes, a support system is a must and it’s totally upon you to find someone who you can trust with all of the above

Types of deliveries

Coming towards the types of deliveries, it should be kept in mind that these types should be opted by your doctor and not by you just because you WANT TO, or your mother or sister or your so and so relative opted that type and that proved to be beneficial for them, or turned out good in any form. It’s not the same for everyone, anything that is good for someone doesn’t mean it’ll be good for you as well.

Everyone has a different body type, having different problems, deficiencies and surpluses, some can deliver via natural births whereas, some have to go through C-section.So it’s better to go with what your body is capable of rather than shoving it into something that it can’t bear.

The types are as follows:

1. Natural birth:

Natural birth is vaginal labor and delivery having almost NO medication. It’s a simple wait and push technique, where you have to wait until your cervix is fully dilated to 10cm and you’re ready to deliver and have to push according to your baby’s push along with the instructions of your medical professional. Natural births can involve a variety of choices in terms of dealing with the pain, like:Hot packs:

Hot packs:

help in pain relieving and soothing but they aren’t that effective as against the pain. Still depending upon the threshold of pain, for some women, they work.

Water injections:

Water injections are injected in the back at four spots in total to numb the pain receptors, so the pain is not felt to quite some extent.


Your doctor/midwife can ask you to go for different positions like squatting, kneeling or maybe leaning against a chair as it helps delivering smoothly instead of just lying on your back.

Hot water tub birth:

In this type of birth, the mother spends her last time of laborin a warm water tub/pool. It is said that it makes the body of the mother relax during the contractions and is also good to deliver in the water as the baby is already in amniotic fluid for 9 months. It is better to have a medical professional by your side while you’re delivering in the pool in case of emergencies or even for assistance. In some cases the pain is so excruciating that the mother passes out, so to deal with all these issues a medical professional is a must.


In some cases when the mother is overdue or is experiencing any complications like feeling little or no fetal movements or if her water breaks then the doctors opt for induction. It’s a process in which the doctors try to start the process of labor contractions by giving Prostaglandin gels or pessary into the vagina that prepares the body for labor which further helps in expediting contractions. In some cases PITOCIN (which is a synthetic form of naturally occurring Oxytocin) is given via IV.


It is a surgical cut given in your perineum (the muscular area between your vagina and anus) while delivering to enlarge the baby’s exit and to avoid tearing with a local anesthetic. It’s recovery does take some time and it’s better for the mother to take good rest post procedure.

2. Assisted Deliveries:


In this sort of delivery, an instrument like a pair of large spoons is applied to the baby’s head during delivery. If the baby’s head is big and is not coming out, or the labor isn’t progressing, such kind of assistance is required.

Ventouse/ Vacuum:

In this form of delivery a vacuum device is used if the labor is not progressing and can be an alternative to forceps. This device is attached to the head of the baby and then by producing vacuum the baby is extracted. No anesthesia is required, but this procedure should be avoided as it may cause brain damage or a chignon (which is a sort of lump on the head).

3. C-Section:

Caesarean Section is a form of delivery that involves a major surgery where the obstetrician will make a cut through the walls of the tummy, usually low through the fatty tissues and muscles, all the way to the uterus. It is used mostly in case of emergencies where the mother or the baby or both are at risk, or the baby is breech. It can be opted on choice, but in some countries it is advised to go for this procedure only in case of emergencies. It takes a lot of time to completely recover (12 – 18 months) and needs extra care. General anesthesia or epidural is required during this process.

So, these were the types of deliveries that are most commonly used. I hope it answers many of your questions regarding different procedures for delivery. As I already said, you should stay calm and relaxed during the whole process, it’s not an easy thing to go through (nor did anyone say so), but if you panic you’ll make this even more difficult for yourself.

Listen to your doctor/midwife and tell them your fears as well as you came into this world by the same process and this is how this goes on and on. Have complete faith in yourself and leave the rest to God. May God bless all the women who are going through this phase with happy healthy babies and bless the mothers with a healthy happy life.

Take good care of yourselves and that’s all for today.

Author Details
Housewife, mother, emerging blogger who knows everything and is always right (only in front of my husband though)!

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